The Proud Bird with the Golden Tail
Friday night, I didn't go out until later on, about ten pm. I got a taxi from outside my apartment and asked him to take me to Joe Bananas. I didn't want to go to Joe Bananas, but from experience this is a landmark that most drivers know how to get to, that is close to my destination. Apart from this driver who hadn't a clue, so I told him it was near Lockhard Road at the Admiralty end, and he tries to take me the long way round, which would have meant driving the full length of Lockhard Road. Haven got him to go the correct way, I got him to drop me near Carnegies, which looked as if it was absolutely packed, so I headed staright for Neptune II.As soon as I got there Hera came up behind me, reached round and tweaked my nipples. "Happy New Year", she said. "Happy New Year to you as well", I replied, "but, inflicting pain is not a good way to get people to buy you drinks".
We settled down at the bar for a chat, she had been home for the holidays. Hera is a great one for introducing her friends to me, and she has a lot of friends. She introduced me to a couple of girls from Issan, that had just arrived yesterday (Hong Kong Airport must have been full of Thai girls arriving judging by the number of people who told me: "they had just arrived yesterday" - maybe it's because the 13th was Children's Day in Thailand?), and, although they were very attractive, they had just arrived and wanted to scope the place out.
Then I spotted K, the proud bird with the golden tail, okay, she's not proud, but she has a golden tail, and the other parts of her are gold standard, too. She spotted me and came over to say Hi, and we had a chat for about ten minutes, then she told me thagt she was sitting at the back of the bar with her Thai friends and to come and join her, which I did. We had a good laugh there, before heading back to my apartment.
After a quick shower together, we jumped in the sack and had a great sex session, well it was great for me, anyway, and that's what counts (he said selfishly). After that the weekend was a bit of an anticlimax, just pottering around doing housework, ironing and such.
I found a website the other day that claims to match the face on a photograph to a celebrity. You need to register, but its free. It seems to think that I resemble Dvorjak?

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