No Me Moleste Mosquito
As a follow up to the sleeping in the park incident, Peanut has told me that she was badly bitten by mosquitos, whilst sitting in the park, and she, now "itches like a monkey". She took great pleasure in showing me all her bites, about thirty in all.I have never had this problem in HK Park, but I do remember reading somewhere that your diet has a lot to do with whether mosquitos will bite you or not. So what had Peanut eaten the previous day? Well she cooked us a very nice crab meat yellow curry, very tasty it was too.
So now we have our answer, the mosquitos in Hong Kong Park like people who have eaten Thai food. Watch out.
Peanut was, also, worried that she might catch malaria, from these bites. I reassured her that it was unlikely she would get malaria, but she mght end up with dengue fever or encephylitis or something - she was not too impressed with me for my caring attitude!
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