Monday, March 05, 2007

Getting things done.

I haven't been in the mood for blogging recently, and when that happens I always make excuses for not writing, like: there's nothing to write about, or, my eight readers don't want to hear about that.
Of course this ends up in a re-enforcing cycle, the longer it is that you don't post the harder it is to come back with a zinger of a post, to get the ball rolling. Someone, recently suggested that you need to have posts already written, so that you can do a quick edit and post it - but, that's really hard to do in a diary type blog - like I know whats going to happen when I go out in Wanchai on Friday night.
Take this Friday, for instance, I headed down to Wanchai, and started off in Joe Bananas, and it became apparent from the outset that the clowns were out in force. I thought that I might gain some refuge from these immature idiots in Neptune, but exactly the opposite occurred. First of all, the local know it all sat down next to me, and started to tell me stuff about the bar staff to show how knowledgeable he was, then he moved on to his bowel movements. I was saved from that unpleasant conservation by a group of very drunk people, one of whom managed to knock my beer over with his filofax - fortunately it spilled all over mr. Know-It-All, and my drunk saviour replaced my bottle of beer - I just wish that he didn't apologise quite so much. Several other people passed through my world that night, none of which enthused me to the atmosphere in there, so I went home early.


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