Mickey Mouse

Nut is settling in well. It has helped that she has more friends here now, so I don't feel guilty when I have to travel on business :)
During the week she likes to go to Hong Kong Park and Wanchai Market, we will go out on 1 or 2 nights during the week, but she is just as happy staying in and watching a DVD (she has realised though, that thai subtitles on chinese dvds bear no resemblance to what is actually being said) :)
Her cooking is improving by leaps and bounds, and she has mastered all the household appliances.
At weekends we will normally try and do some sort of outing on Saturday, as she is normally wiped out by Sunday, especially if we go dancing on Friday and Saturday nights.
We will normally start the evening in Lang Kwai Fung, but move down to Wanchai later on.

Last Saturday we went to Disneyland Hong Kong. I was dreading it as it has had a lot of bad press, but in the end it was OK. We started off walking up the main street,

then turned into adventureland, where we watched the lion king show which was good. After adventureland we quickly passed through fantasyland which Nut thought was a waste of time and went to Futureland. We got our fasttrack tickets for Spacemountain, and while we were waiting we went to the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger attraction.

We trawled around the shops and Nut had fun with a mr potatohead.
Soon it was time to head back to space mountain, I purposely kept Nut in the dark about what to expect so we got in to the carriage and started out into the dark. I was pointing out the shooting stars to her, and she was saying "souay, AAARGHHHHH!" as we shot off at breakneck speed into the dark. She carried on screaming for the whole ride, but really enjoyed it. They take a phot of the carriage at the end. Our phot showed 5 people hiding their heads or screaming, and one fat farang sitting there with a stupid big grin on his face. Nut wouldn't let me buy that photo! :(
Its the Dragon Boat holiday here tommorrow, but Nut wants to visit a temple in Kowloon instead.
Nut's going back to Phuket this weekend; to clear out her room, going back to her parents for a while and getting a new passport, and the plan is for her to come back at the end of June
kee mau!!!
The other night, I had to work late. Well, it wasn't really work, but I had to take some people to dinner. Knowing how bored Peanut gets sat on her own in the appartment, I told I would be back late, and suggested that she went out for a drink with her friend Oh.
I had a really pleasant meal at Isola in IFC Mall. The lighting was a bit subdued, but the food was excellent. I had salad of lobster, artichokes, mushrooms and mango, followed by oven broiled black cod with capers and tarragon. All of this was washed down by a very pleasant Pio Cesare.
At the end of the meal, I did consider calling Peanut on her mobile, but decided against it - bad move! I went home and about 45 minutes later Peanut falls through the door, she's hanging on to both door handles as the door swings open and she falls on the ground, mobile phone flung in one direction, keys, money and earings in another.
She lies there a while and then starts crying and shouting at me "YOU MAKE ME SO LONELY!", the she goes to the bathroom to throw up. She spends most of the night throwing up into a bucket I have put next to the bed, and I spend most of the night, emptying the bucket and washing it out.
I wasn't at my best the next day, but, coming home from work we had great fun making up!

Sorry I have been so quiet. Life has been pleasantly hectic.
I left Mumbai and had a very cool week chilling out with friends in Phuket. One friend in particular, Peanut, is very dear to my heart; so I asked her if she would like a holiday in Hong Kong, and so I have brought her back with me.
She is getting very familiar with Hong Kong, and enjoys spending her time in Wanchai Market, in return I get home-cooked Thai food every night. She enjoys Lang Kwai Fang and Wanchai.
Last weekend we went to Po Lin Monastery. Being a Buddhist, Peanut is very happy to ask Buddha to look after her here in Hong Kong. She thought the giant sitting Buddha was very beautiful, but she thought there were too many steps to climb.

Pearl of the Andaman
The picture in the last post was "The Gateway to India", right opposite the hotel I was staying at.
Right now I am in Phuket, taking a week off work after the conference in India. So its a week of lazing about on beaches in the day time, stuffing myself with exotic Thai food, and partying all night.
I will put up some piccies when I get back home, but I am not paying 200 baht to use my laptop for an hour in the hotel.
I am having a wonderful time, totally unstressed out and getting a bit of a tan. What a bonus!