Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Body Check and Splash

Back before the Hulk Hogan Era of wrestling, England had a large wrestling industry of its own that used to regularly pull in audiences of over 10 million. Not bad for a small island. When I was a kid, it was a tradition that Saturday teatime in winter was spent watching wrestling, drinking tea and eating crumpets. We had our favourites: Mick Mcmanus, Les Kellett, Giant Haystacks, Jacky Pallo and Kendo Nagasaki, to name a few. There was, however, one other wrestler, reportedly a favourite of the Queen and Margeret Thatcher, called Big Daddy; normally attired in a union jack leotard, he boasted a 64" chest. His famous move was the splash, where whilst his opponent was lying on the mat he would drop on him spread-eagled, all 350lbs of him. My favourite move of his though was the body check that used to make his ample stomach wobble, and usually caused his opponent to stagger backwards and fall on the mat, ready for the Daddy Splash to finish him off.
Despite the MTR corporation's campaign to promote courteous behavior on the trains, I am getting used to peoples rushing on to trains at MTR stations and not allowing passengers to alight. This is despite obvious green arrows on the platforms and announcements in 3 languages on the tannoy system. Hong Kongers just have to be first, and will continue to exhibit a total lack of courtesy to people trying to get off. And don't give me that "its a mass transit system carrying a lot of passengers" its been this way since 1986 and it ain't going to change in a hurry.
So I have developed my own, very effective way of overcoming this behaviour, and its based on the Big Daddy body check, and, although I can't boast the same chest size or weight of Big Daddy, it is very effective against puny little people who fail to exhibit the proper courtesy; as one guy found out this evening when he found himself on his backside on the platform.
The Thais have a very appropriate phrase for this; "Som Nam Na", which loosely translates as "serves you right!"


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