Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cold as ice

Last night I finally managed to visit the Foreign Correspondents Club, at the top of Ice House Street. I had been asked, previously, to lunch there, but, because my host to be was a member of the press, and due to the old adage of there being no such thing as a free lunch, I had declined that chance - perhaps a bit foolishly.
I travel past the FCC most days on the bus to work, and it has always intrigued me what it might look like inside, so when received an invitation to the Christmas party for the International Guild of Plumbers, Pipe and Sprinklerfitters, I was happy to accept.
The poarty was held on the balcony bar which is enclosed in glass and steel, quite a paradox to the ancient facade of the building. The food and drink service was as exemplary, as you would expect from this establishment. Although, it was a party, I was not in the mood for drinking and kept to the orange juice, probably a mistake, as if I had been drinking I may have enjoyed the company a little more. There were a couple of people there that I knew, but on the whole most people there were new to me.
After a couple of hours, I had about as much as I could take from this bunch of sycophants, so I headed down to LKF for some light relief and some ale.
It seems that P will not be coming on holiday with me, as she has some issues at work that she needs to sort out. In some ways, I am glad, but on the other hand it would have been fun to have someone to share the time with. Of course it is easy to find company in Phuket if you want to.


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