Monday, November 06, 2006

Quick review of the weekend

I went out with P on Friday night, we started out at Carneggies, which was fine - P managed to throw her pint over me, and the staff were more interested in clearing up the mess on the bar and floor, than helping me to dry off. Some plonker went on one at the staff because the packet of cigarettes he had left on a table had gone, and there were only two cigarettes left!
After that, we went to 109 bar; its the first time I had been there, and it seems OK. I was sat at the bar, when suddenly the aircon unit in the ceiling decided to spill water all over me! It was going to one of those nights! After that P wanted to go home, so I walked her home, got a snog on her doorstep but nothing more, so I thought I would wander back to Neptune II.
There I met someone, who they say "could fire Donald Trump", and someone else, who they say "does not see like humans do, instead he sees numbers in green scrolling down". I didn't stay there too long.
Saturday morning I woke up with a sore head, but wanting to make the most of weather headed out to Hong Kong Wetlands Park. It was a really nice day out, and I would have enjoyed it a lot more if some Bozo (me) hadn't forgotten to put the memory card back in his camera! Still its a nice place to go, and educational to boot. Although it was busy, it wasn't packed out, and could move around easily and get to the hides.
Sunday, I carefully put my memory card in my camera, and headed up to the peak for a couple of hours. Having taken the tram down again, I wandered through Central, including a motorcycle show at Chater Road. Then I wandered up to LKF for a liquid lunch, then up through the zoo, and back home.
In the evening I went over to Kowloon to see the light show - glad I have seen it, but not the kind of thing I would want to see again.
I will try and get round to posting some of the pictures I took, but don't hold your breath. It was nice to be a tourist for a weekend.


At 9:57 AM , Blogger expat@large said...

"does not see like humans do, instead he sees numbers in green scrolling down".

That's so funny. Cheers dude.

RATM "Wake Up" is my ringtone, btw.

At 9:59 AM , Blogger expat@large said...

How come my name comes up as Phillip instead of E@L? WTF is it with Blogger these days? I'm seeing green numbers!!!


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