Jokes and the News
It has always amazed me how, so soon after a newsworthy event, the jokes, most of them sick, spread like wildfire; and that was even before the WWW became so widespread. The latest ones seem to be about Michael Barrymore. For those who are not au fait with British popular entertainment; Barrymore is a lanky, comedian/actor/entertainer, who has always beenat the fore front of the entertainment news with his alcoholism, "coming out of the closet" in a pub full of gay skin heads and of course the death of Stuart Lubbock.Some of the jokes that I have heard so far, include:-
Micheal Barrymore was asked if he was doing Pantomime again this winter.......
"No chance of that " said Barrymore......., "I did Aladdin , 6 years ago and have never heard the last of it !"
Micheal Barrymore was asked if he was doing Pantomime again this winter.......
He won't have time. He's recording his new BBC sitcom - "Only Pools And Corpses".
Q:-Why doesn't Michael Barrymore own any ashtrays??
A:-He does'nt need them....He puts his fags out in the pool.
Don King has just signed Michael Barrymore up for a championship fight...
He's heard Michael was shit hot with his fists in the ring...

This post is about the speed that jokes go around - I have no interest whatsoever whether he is charged, found guilty or whatever.
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