The holiday continues
The lack of a recent entry for the trip report is due to the internet being down in the hotel, not from my lack of willingness to write. This is Thailand afterall, and we can not expect 24hour a day internet access.Sunday evening, and I headed out about eight thirty, and had a very disappointing meal at the open air seafood restaurant near Coyotee’s; the service was mediocre to poor, the food was not inspiring even though it was spicey, but, hey for a couple of hundred Baht, what do you expect?
The original plan was to go to Angelwitch, have a couple of drinks, give K her photos and to move onto somewhere else.. This was a great plan, but of course it didn’t happen like that. A crowd of onlookers blocked Walking Street, watching the filming of a pop video or something. Got totally hacked off by this so I walked through the middle of the set (security was appalling), but I did wait for a pause in the filming. Got into Angelwitch and grabbed a seat and ordered a beer. K was talking to another customer, and I could see she had a drink in front of her, which was fine. A little while later she comes over and sits next to me, explaining that this man was an old friend who buys drinks for anyone. I told her it wasn’t a problem and gave her the photos which she was happy about, showing all her friends. I made the big mistake of buying her a drink then, so of course she is all lovey-dovey. She offers me an out by asking which of the ladies dancing did I think was sexy. Like a total prat, I told her that she was the sexy one – my only excuse, in hindsight was that she was stroking my todger at the time.
As the night wears on, I get more drunk, buying her drinks, etc. and eventually I pay her bar fine and she goes to get changed. I am thinking, “Great, we can get away from here at a decent hour go to a couple of bars have some fun then go back to the hotel for some sanuuk. But it seemed that she had other plans, and found excuses not to leave, like wanting to sell a basket of ping-pong balls, etc. There was a couple of times I thought about cutting my losses and going, but I never did. Finally, all the shows finished and I managed to drag her out of there. Walking along the street and the filming is still going on! K said that she new who the Indian singer was, and that in K’s opinion she smelled. Mmm, it seemed that K was starting to show her true colours.

We ended up at the Country Bar, the one run by her brother, and we had a really good time. I played 5 games of pool, and during one game I even managed to sink three long shots in a row. I ended up winning three of the games I played so felled pretty good. K’s brother comes over and asks something along the lines of “How was the farang in bed last night – pretty useless seeing how pissed he was, right” K was straight on the offensive, telling him I was a fantastic lover who had made her orgasm five times. It was a crock of bull, but made me feel good. Then we got playing connect4, and I was doing pretty well there as well. Very soon it is passed four o’clock in the morning and I tell her I want to go back to the hotel. I pay the check bin and we head up to where the taxis hang out which means we have to walk passed Club Insomnia. K says she wants to go in there, and tell her that it wasn’t happening. She gets all whiney, and says she only wants to go in there for a short while, and I old her if she wanted to go there she could go there on her own, but I want to go with you, she says. I told her I was going back to the hotel, no questions, no negotiating, full stop, she could either get in a taxi with me or she could go and do what she wanted on her own.
Anyway we go back to the hotel and she is all sweetness and light, letting me take some more photos of her.

She had probably had a few too many drinks, because she was really adventurous in bed, and as a result the sex was, for me pretty damned steamy.
I woke early and woke K at the same time, although we stayed in bed for a while longer, I did manage to get her out of the apartment at a reasonable time.
Monday was very uneventful day, mostly taken up with a two hour foot massage in the Bamboo Massage Parlour not far from the north end of Walking Street. When I went in it was fairly quiet and we were all have a good bit of banter going on, you know the sort of chit chat foiled with harmless innuendo that goes on in these places. Towards the end, whilst the girl was working on my neck and shoulders, the place starts to fill up, and this huge American sits in the chair next to me. He looks across at what the girl is doing to me, and asks what I am having done. I felt a bit silly telling him I was having a foot massage, but we all saw the funny side of it.
The rest of the day was uneventfully filled with beer and food.
In the evening I planned to go out and stay clear of Angelwitch, and my resolve held. I started off the evening very low key with some food at a place I can’t remember the name of, which shows how remarkable the food was!
Wandered on to Walking Street, and the bloody film crew is still there, blocking the path of everyone, so I cut down one of the alleys. I thought about going to Diamond a gogo, as I hear there are some stunners there. Problem is, I couldn’t find the way in!
Carried on wandering around, with none of the bars appealing to me, and I found myself dangerously close to Angelwitch, so I popped into Secrets, which was quite busy. Got chatting to P, a half Thai/Chinese girl, who spoke good English, but had one of those high pitched giggles that really gets on my nerves. Really nice face and body, good conversation, and the by now, infamous “I have a degree in marketing” claim; so, I buy her a drink. Everything is going fine, and then she says she needs to talk to her friend. She goes over to talk to another girl who is sat next to this guy, and blow me two minutes later they are all off upstairs together. As I sat there drinking my beer, another girl came over to chat, but, she was a real woofer.
After another beer, I left. Wandered into the next Soi, and was dragged into another gogo, the name escapes me, but, I thought it ws going to be a waste of time. Four girls, of which one was shaggable, lazily shuffling there feet on the stage. One was even picking her nose! I planned to stay for one drink, when all of a sudden the girls started to get all excited. One of the younger girls, who was there to drag customers in had taken all her clothes off, she then proceeded to streak around the bar, flicking water from a glass on the walls, floor and on the path outside the gogo. I felt that such gumption meant that she had a bit of character, so I bought her a drink. S didn’t have such good English, but came from Changmai and had a fit body, nice face. We are getting on fine, when all of a sudden she ups and goes to sit next to another customer, who has bought her a drink! Tonight is looking like it will turn into a disaster. I was thinking to myself that I would try one more place, and if struck out there I would head to Angelwitch. The place I decided to try was Sisters, mainly because of one of the girls had a placard outside which said “More fun than Blackpool in November”. This grabbed my attention, and made me wander. I have never been to Blackpool in November, but imagine a windswept Lancashire beach, then of course there is the illuminations, so it might be OK.
When I first went in there I didn’t hold out much hope for the place. There was a long stage in three sections. At the far end was the show stage with a sort of climbing frame set up and chains hanging from the ceiling. A couple of girls were dancing there. The next part of the stage was a turntable with three girls doing their thing – I later found out that this section can also raise up another metre or so. The section nearest the door was just a few poles with a handful of girls doing the gogo shuffle. At first glance, none of the girls appealed to me. As I sat there nursing my beer three of the girls came and sat on the bench near me, and they were having a bit of sanook together. One of them a tiny little thing kept smiling at me, so I gave in and bought her a drink. She probably didn’t have any more English than “What’s your name?” and “Where you from?”, but she was fun and could talk well enough with her hands and body. Soon it was time for her to take a turn on the stage, after that she came back with her friend and sat on my lap. She obviously had a problem because she had to go to the toilet a couple of times, I asked her friend if she was OK, and it seemed that she had a poorly stomach. Well, I didn’t want to end up with someone who was going to spend the night crouched over a toilet, so I started talking to her friend, and bought her a drink. J’s English was a little better, and she had a slightly nicer body, so, bar fine paid, costs agreed and we head up to get a taxi. The taxi driver wanted two hundred baht to take us to the hotel, and J thought this was too much and said something to the driver who said something back, which J didn’t like, so I quickly butted in in my pigeon Thai and we agreed a price of hundred and fifty baht. I was getting worried that the driver was taking the wrong route, but we got back to the hotel in one piece, and at a reasonable time, as well.

So, we are still having problems with the internet at the hotel, because of this it could be a long post especially if they don’t get it fixed until Saturday, but if that’s the case I could very well take my ‘puter to Secrets and use their free wireless.
I went in there this afternoon and Larry came over and introduced himself. He seems like a top bloke and told me about a party they are having this evening. We will have to see if I make it there or not.
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