Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Man of Law

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against lawyers as people - one of my oldest friends is a lawyer; but, the other night I met a lawyer (or at least someone who professed to be one) who I would not want to be a friend of mine.

I was sat in Carneggies, enjoying crazy hour, and entered into a conversation with this stranger, lets call him A. We were engaged in the sort of casual banter that might happen in any bar between strangers - pollution in HK, teenagers today, internet chatting, girls who work the bars, etc. It was a fairly pleasant chat, although it was mostly one-sided, as I found it hard to get a word in edgeways sometimes.

After a while another legal johnny, lets call him B, comes in and sits next to A, and buys A a drink. The conversation carries on, and I notice that B buys A a couple more drinks. He did offer me a drink, but I declined, not wanting to get into a round situation with a couple of strangers. A never bought a drink.

After three drinks or so, B leaves to go home. After he has left A turns to me and starts telling me stuff about B that, a) is none of my business, b) I don't really want to hear about, and c) for someone to buy you drinks and then to turn round after he has left and slag him off behind his back, is in my opinion, pretty low behaviour.

So, A, if perchance you read this blog, and you recognise yourself in this story. It wasn't big and it wasn't clever, and I wasn't impressed.


At 12:44 AM , Blogger Hong Kong Phooey said...

Talking about coincidence, had a similar experience couple weeks ago, except there's only this dude (A) who goes on and on and bad-mouthing his friends he bumped into at the establishment. Cannot recall what profession he's in, didn't care.

Guess I have to stop talking to strangers at bars, LOL.

At 12:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you ??? Do we have to worry ???


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