Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My desk is a mess!

Bit of a blogger's block today, so I went to the Imagination Prompt and it suggested that I "Name five things lying around my computer". So I looked around and I saw the company chop, a half eaten packet of mini chocolate chip cookies, a training schedule that I need to review, my spectacles and a carton of cigarettes that someone smuggled into Hong Kong for me (he didn't know that the limit was three packets). Then the realisation hit me that my desk looks like a bomb has hit it:- overstuffed in/out trays, a book that I lent to someone that has been returned, unopened mail, peoples business cards, company booklets on such archane subjects as "Control of Work", a contacts directory that's almost two years old, the list goes on. Does this mean that I am disorganised or that I am a genius?
According to Jay Brand a psychology professor suggest that I am using my desk space as an extension to my mind, and that all this clutter on my desk are "cognitive artifacts". He goes further to say that companies that have a clear desk policy are in essence giving their employees "environmental lobotomies".
On the other hand, a messy desk at the office can give a bad impression and negatively affect your career, CNN money advisor goes on to say that a messy desk creates a mental drag that can overwhelm you.
Well, I like my messy desk, I like to have a big clear out just before I go on holiday; its like unloading all those things that have been niggling at the back of your mind that are either inconsequential, taken care of, or, both.
So that's it I will carry on with my messy workspace, and still get the job done. I don't give a fig for the impression it creates, that mess is my pile of cognitive artifacts


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