Monday, April 23, 2007

Its just another Monday morning

However, this morning we were blessed with rain. Not the soggy rain that makes you feel uncomfortable, but proper rain that falls horizonatally through the covered walkways ( can anything fall horizontally, or have I just invented an oxymoron?), wherre the petit, office girls struggle manfully to prevent their umbrellas collapsing from the wind or acting like a kite, when the small girl would take off like some Asian Mary Poppins.
This is the kind of rain that clears the air, and makes it possible for me to see the hills of the New Territories, whereas, I normally struggle to make out the buildings past North Point. It brings colour back into life, rather than a sort of insipid washed out grey that seems to pervade everything.
Already, an hour after it has stopped raining I can see a yellow pall of pollution building up in the north-east, and I am sure that soon we will back to Hong Kong's dark satanic views (with apologies there to William Blake).


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