Camera Workshop
On Sunday, I was invited by Canon to their store in Kowloon to try out the new Canon Powershot S5 IS. Although its not really my kind of camera, I thought I would go along for a bit.First of all its not an easy place to find. Finding the building was no problem, especially as it has a massive neon sign on the roof, but trying to find the lifts, well that was quite a challenge.
Next stage was to try and avoid all the pushy salesmen. Actually it wasn't too bad, but everytime you looked at something for more than a few seconds, someone would come and try and sell you something. Finally got into the studio, where they had set up some displays to show off some of the new features of the camera: there was a model food display to show the macro 0cm feature, a model railway, to show how you can still get image stabilisation whilst panning and a model to show the facial regognition.
The model was getting most of the attention, as the other displays were naff, and she was a pretty girl! I have some of the photos below.

As for the camera itself - I personally didn't like it. It was neither fish nor fowl mixing some attributes of a SLR with the convenience of a point and shoot, and as such it fails in both camps, being too large for a P&S and lacking a lot of the benefits of a SLR. Even sitting where it does, I have some misgivings, for instance the lens cap comes off far too easily, and really there have been to few improvements on the S3 model. If I was in the market for this kind of camera I would opt for either the Sony H9 or the Canon H7.
But I would like to thank Canon for their hospitality and time, and the free photograph prints they gave me.
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