A pox on this gout! or a gout on this pox!

Since most of the readers of this blog come from Hong Kong, most of you will know its hot. Not the kind of hot you get in England where the papers all have headlines like "Phew, what a scorcher" accompanied by photographs of pretty girls in bikinis and men with knotted handkerchiefs sitting in deckchairs. And, its not the kind of hot that millions of Brits hope for when they jet off on their summer holidays, but, moan about when it happens in their own Perfidious Albion. No, this is the hot that the Government tells us not to work too hard in, and make it permissable for us to wear hats and loose clothing ( I can't see my boss being too happy if I turned up for work in a pith helmet and a loin cloth, saying I was following advice on the Internet).
This hot weather has also aggravated my gout. Now, I don't follow this, its meant to be the cold that accelerates chrystallisation, but hey-ho, I am not a doctor. It seems the causes of gout are legion, but one of them struck me - not enough sex! Yes, according to a reliable source, in fertile men, not getting enough can bring on gout. So, it seems Benjamin Franklin was wrong when he wrote "Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls, and cloth, or the Gout will seize you and plague you both,".
Looks like its time to get Peanut back to Hong Kong!
Yeah, bring back Peanut!!! By popular demand!
Believe it or not, it won't feel as hot in Bangkok. Time for you to go down there, visit her, and head off to a beach somewhere!
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