Sunday, October 08, 2006

San Francisco

Whilst I was in SF, I was too busy at the software users conference to blog, and probably, because I was too busy I didn't get to see the city properly, but, my overall impression is not a good one.

What I did like was:
-The no smoking rule: you can't smoke in any public building or within 20 feet of a door that could open into one. The result of this was I smoked far fewer cigarettes last week than I have done in a long time.
-Cucumber Sake Martinis. Discovered these in the hotel bar and found them quite delicious, and you can deceive yourself that they are a healthy drink.
The people, I have always liked most Americans I have met, they do seem to be so friendly.
The Apple store, great place!
King of Thai Noodle shop - terrible food and decor, but great service and cheap. The food wasn't that bad, but I have high standards when it comes to Thai food.
Clothes shops - at last I could replenish my wardobe with ease; I find it hard to find fat bastard sized clothes in Hong Kong.

OK, what I didn't like was:-
The noise, traffic noise was terrible, especially fire department vehicles who seem to need to put their sirens ion even when there is little or no traffic around.
The number of homeless people begging on the streets. Some of them were witty, some of them were pleasant, some of them were a pain in the ass.
There were a few other things but I don't want to turn this into a moan.

Got to the airport to check in on Friday night and they asked if I would volunteer to downgrade to economy class as business class was overbooked. Initially I declined, but when I was sat in the business lounge sipping a G&T, I started thinking what I could do with the money they were offering, so I went and put my name down as a volunteer. Sure enough I was downgraded, got a nice wedge of dosh when I arrived in Hong Kong, but now, can't remember what I decided to spend the money on!

Flying up to Dalian this afternoon for a couplke of days, back in town on Tuesday


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