Being bear aware!
I took a drive up to Whistler today from Vancouver, and it was a wonderful day with bright sunshine and warm enough for short sleeved shirts. The road is undergoing widening at the moment, to make it ready for the 2010 winter olympics, so there were lots of road crews out working, but, fortunately not too many delays. I was surprised to see so many girls working in the road crews, not the sort of job you would normally expect a woman to do, but good on them. Safety was a high priority with these gangs with lots of safety notices around. One such notice, aimed at the traffic going past the site said "Please, drive carefully because our Mommy works here. Love Tyler and Chad". At first I thought it was a clever sign, but the more I thought about it, the more convinced I was that any woman who names her children Tyler and Chad deserved to die!We stooped at a couple of waterfalls along the way, here is a photo of one of them: Brandywine waterfall, or something:

On the way to the viewpoint we had to walk along this path and there I saw something, I thought was really neat, a Caterpillar digger equipped with wheels so it could run on a railway track:

Finally, we got to Whistler, which I didn't like much. It felt like a plastic town. Its the first ski resort I have been to and I have no urge to go to another one! But I did have a relly nice salmon burger there, cooked with a teriyaki glaze and served with a really nice coleslaw salad. Yummee.
Took some photos on the way back, just because I tyhought the colours were nice.

Oh, yes the bears. Well I didn't see any, unless you count some racoons in Stanley Park, but I thought the bear proof bins were a really neat idea, something they should use in the UK against foxes. Remember a fed bear is a dead bear.
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