Monday, August 06, 2007

USS Huckleberry Finn

For those of you who breathed a sigh of relief when the US Navy left town, last week; being able to get a seat in your favouritre watering holes, my sources tell me that they will be back latewr this month with a different set of ships. A very reliable source (i.e. someone told me in a bar) that 5,000 American sailors would be getting 4 days shore leave from the 20th August. They couldn't tell me the name of the ships, so I will call it the USS Huckleberry Finn.
I am OK about this as I won't be in town, I will be in Denmark on my mini business trip for four weeks visitting Singapore, UK, Denmark, UK and the Isle of Man, before coming back to Hong Kong for a week, and then I am going to Pattaya fofr a week to getr over all that travelling.


At 3:36 PM , Blogger 962 said...

Oh dear more discharge to step over
However the yanks are well behaved unlike the Brits who want to fight everybody when their drunk
The Americans however seem to want to fight everybody when their sobre, or at least their leaders seem to.


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