Grateful, not disappointed any more
Well, I mulled it over for a while, then went back and bought the zoom lens I was after - what made it worthwhile was buying the 1.4 times teleconverter, which was a couple of hundred bucks cheaper than in the US, so put them both together and I got a good deal. I know the teleconverter will make the lens even slower (you lose a f stop) but I like it!So I did an experiment from my apartment balcony.

This is the view from my balcony with a 'normal 50mm lens. In this photo you can see alot, but the Cheif Executive's building is quite insignificant.

OK here we are at 135mm, which was the greatest focal length I had before. The building is clear but you can't see too much detail, such as the flag flying on top of the building.

Now, I have fitted the zoom, and taken it out to a focal length of 300mm, which is supposed to be this lens' sweet spot.

Now we are out at 400mm focal length, and for instance, I can see the fire extinguisher on the flat roof by the door.

This is with the teleconverter fitted, giving a focal length of 640mm. Hmm I am really happy!
Now I just need to go out and take some interesting pictures! I'm glad I bought the lens.
I used to live at 5 Bowen Rd. I had a VERY SIMILAR view out my front window!
Nice to meet you in Wanchai the other nite. Sorry if I was incoherently pissed.
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